Can we reach the dual biodiversity goals of preserving rare and ecosystem service provisioning species in farmland

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Biodiversity conservation is both about halting species loss and maintaining ecosystem services, but these goals may not coincide. A theoretical model demonstrate that spatial targeting of habitat conservation and modulation of agricultural intensity can result in more effective conservation than uniform strategies, by promoting species conservation in low- and benefitting ecosystem service providers in high-productive landscapes. This was caused by spatial variation in opportunity costs of conservation as well as marginal benefits of increasing ecosystem service providers. In a landscape study, we evaluated the combined use of conservation of semi-natural grasslands and organic farming benefit plants and pollinators across landscapes. Using data on farm economy and biodiversity, economic-ecological modelling demonstrates benefits of modifying agri-environment schemes, to achieve multifunctional landscapes delivering both biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.
Period2024 mars 13
EvenemangstitelNordic Oikos 2024: New perspectives in ecological and evolutionary research
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta