Eliane Radigue at Intonal Festival Malmö

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The Division of Musicology, Inter Arts Center and The Sound Environment Centre are glad to be able to javascript:void(0);present a range of activities with composer François J. Bonnet in April 2023. The activities are all linked to Éliane Radigue, one of the most known female pioneers of electronic music.

Artist talk with François J. Bonnet and Katja Heldt about Éliane Radigue. Part of INTONAL Festival at Inter Arts Center.

Film Screening "Echos" (2001) by Eleonore Huisse and François J. Bonnet on Eliane Radigue. Part of INTONAL Festival at Inter Arts Center.

Performance of "L'île re-sonante" (2000) by Éliane Radigue at the Red Room of Inter Arts Center, performed by François J. Bonnet. Part of INTONAL Festival at Inter Arts Center.

François J. Bonnet is a composer and artistic director of the GRM - Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris
Katja Heldt is a PhD candidate in Musicology who writes her dissertation on female pioneers for electronic music

French composer Éliane Radigue is one of the most known female pioneers of electronic music. Born Paris in 1932 - where she lives until today - she started already in the early 1950s to work with French pioneers Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) and Pierre Henry (927-2017) and their "musique concrète" which she developed to her own musical electronical style. The French INA's Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris has been practicing creativity and research in the field of sound and electro-acoustic music for more than ó0 years. The only laboratory of its kind in the world for experimenting with sound, the GRM was incorporated into the INA in 1975 and has contributed ever since to its mission to preserve and enhance sound heritage.

Radigue's music is subtle and calm, and draws on a profound compositional complexity of a continuous, ever-changing yet extremely slow stream of sound, whose transformation occurs within the sonic material itself. The music invites for at deep and concentrated mode of listening, which, with the complex challenges the world is facing for the moment being, should be more welcomed than ever.
Period2023 apr. 282023 apr. 29
Typ av evenemangAnnan
PlatsMALMÖ, SverigeVisa på karta