Enforcing Child Rights Globally

  • Wickenberg, P. (medlem)
  • Ulf Leo (medlem)
  • Emma Alfredsson (medlem)
  • Agneta Wångdahl Flinck (medlem)
  • Bodil Rasmusson (medlem)

Aktivitet: AnnanUppdragsutbildning


Overall objectives can bedivided into two parts. The first part focuses on the importance of the countries’ capacity to offer and ensure education for all in order for the population to be active and participative citizens. The second part of the overall objectives focuses on the quality and relevance of the education; it
should be safe, secure, inclusive etc. Thus, understanding and introducing participatory rights-based, learner-friendly and gender-sensitive approaches to teaching as well as learning is central. The focus of the goals is on increasing knowledge and developing skills, methods, understanding and attitudes in favour of rights-based educational work at classroom level, regional level as well as at country level.
Period2013 okt. 12015 jan. 31
VidSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Sverige