Generative Design and Reuse

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangArrangerat workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


As part of the information gathering of the research project on GenerativeDesign and its impact on the architect's role and application in reuse, a workshop has been held with architects interested in and familiar with the subject area. The aim was to answer the following research questions:
What is Generative Design?
How can Generative Design contribute to the implementation of reusable building parts?
How could Generative Design change the design process, when applied to design and reuse?
Period2023 okt. 25
Typ av evenemangWorkshop
PlatsCopenhagen, DanmarkVisa på karta

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Teknik och teknologier
  • Naturresursteknik