ProgramDay 1
Room: Europa, Wallenberg Conference center
10.55 Registration
11.15 Welcome and introduction - Paul Miller and Natascha Kljun
11.30 Keynote Michael Schultz: Norwegian Earth System modelling, how it is done, used and should be used
12.10 Presentations:
Wenxin Zhang: Using the regional Earth system model RCA-GUESS to
quantify vegetation-atmosphere feedback on a hotspot of CO2 flux variability
Cheng Wu: The impact of boreal forest management on biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions and secondary organic aerosol formation.
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Guided tour
14.30 Keynote Mary Edwards: A circum-arctic perspective
15.00 Fika and poster
17.00 Social events (for PhD students)
18.30 Dinner at Ågrenska villan
Day 2
Room: Birgit Thilander hall, Academicum
08.30 Welcome to day 2
09.00 Presentations:
Erik Swietlicki: ARTofMELT Arctic Ocean icebreaker expedition 2023
Annemieke Gärdenäs: Climate reporting of Soil Organic Carbon stocks- a case study of Ethiopian highlands
09.30 Stretch
09.35 Presentations
RA1: Development, modelling and evaluation of climate-vegetation processes (RA1) - Paul Miller, Klaus Wyser, Ben Smith
RA2: Past variations in climate and vegetation (RA2) – Raimund Muscheler and Marie-Jose Gaillard
RA3: Vegetation, emissions and particles (RA3) – Mattias Hallquist and Moa Sporre
RA4: Advanced statistics for model evaluation, simulation set-up and analysis – Johan Lindström
10.15 Discussion in RA groups + coffee
about the forthcoming MERGE future and strategy
11.15 Summary
11.45 Information and state of MERGE
12.00 Lunch and end of MERGE annual meeting 2024
Period | 2024 dec. 11 → 2024 dec. 12 |
Typ av evenemang | Konferens |
Plats | Gotenburg, SverigeVisa på karta |