National Conference for Doctoral Candidates in Law 2024

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The national conference for doctoral candidates in law aims to bring together doctoral candidates from all Swedish faculties and departments of law, broadly conceived, to grow community amongst early-career researchers. Participants are invited to present their research, attend lectures by keynote speakers, and connect with other researchers from all fields of law. With this year’s theme Roads (un)travelled, Law (un)ravelled, the organizers welcomed the participants to reflect on the entangled nature of law and legal research, and the roads that they have taken, the roads that they have not, and the roads that they might.

The conference hosted keynotes from Prof. Anne Orford, Prof. Emeritus Håkan Hydén, Assoc. Prof. Åsa Burman and Assoc. Prof. Markus Gunneflo, as well as a multiple parallel sessions for presentations by doctoral candidates.
Period2024 aug. 262024 aug. 27
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta