Open data ecosystems - wishful thinking or successful business?

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Sharing data between commercial entities is a practice in its infancy, despite the widespread focus on data-driven businesses. Data brokers exist in some domains, but tend to gravitate around the big data players. However, judging from the success of open source software in commercial contexts, there is a potential innovation growth in open data ecosystems (ODE), which we define as a networked community of actors collaborating on data and related resources.
We have studied cases of ODEs, to understand the challenges and remedies for them to function. This talk summarizes our findings regarding
• Value of data and collaboration
• Inherent characteristics of data
• Governance of data, platform and relations
• Evolution of business models and tools
The studied ODEs, in domains of industry 4.0, automotive, transportation, and the labor market, represent wide variation across real-time and batch data, public and private actors etc. They nevertheless share several joint characteristics, particularly, the value creation from the data or collaboration around data, the need for standardization of formats and procedures, aspects of platform ownership and data acquisition, and competition between actors, are essential. Business models and tool support for ODEs are identified for further research.- wishful thinking or successful business?
Period2021 dec. 3
EvenemangstitelThe 9th Swedish Workshop on Data Science
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsVäxjö, SverigeVisa på karta

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Programvaruteknik