Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangDeltagit i workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


In 2024, World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO), the United Nations’ specialized agency for intellectual property rights, will hold a diplomatic conference to finalize an international treaty on the disclosure of origin of genetic resources in patent applications. Genetic resources refer to material from plants, animals and microorganisms containing DNA. Genetic resources may have great commercial value, for example for use in the production of medicines and cosmetics or within the framework of research in biomedicine and ecology.

The convening of the diplomatic conference takes place in the context of negotiations that have been ongoing within the WIPO since the beginning of the 2000s in the intergovernmental committee on intellectual property rights and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (IGC).
Mandatory requirements on disclosure of origin are considered important for countries that provide genetic resources to monitor compliance with regulations and agreements regarding access and benefit sharing, for example within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. At the same time, concerns have been raised that such requirements may impede innovation and willingness to invest by creating potential uncertainties in the patent system.
At the seminar, the background and substance of the latest negotiation texts were explained. In addition, the potential impact that any new rules may have on the patent system and stakeholders within the biotechnology and life science sectors was discussed.
The keynote speaker at the seminar was Patrick Andersson from the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (Patent- och Registreringsverket, PRV). Mr. Andersson participates in the WIPO negotiations as a representative for Sweden. Commentators/discussants were Dr. Ana Norberg, associate professor in civil law at the Faculty of Law, and Dr. Peter Gottschalk, senior lecturer at the Department of Business Law – both at Lund University.
The seminar was held in English, with the possibility to participate either on site or online (via Zoom).
Period2023 nov. 13
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta