Plastic Extension of Music – The embodiment of sound

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangArrangerat workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


A workshop for two performers embodying sound by Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete, doctoral student at Malmö Academy of Music.

The performance of a musical piece is to put the body in motion trans-forming, de-forming and in-forming the musical text.

Trans-forming the text to a particular body gesture or movement, de-forming a visual shape to a sound and in-forming the text in the open.

These three forms are the basis to per-form a musical piece. Once the performer has embodied the information, finally dresses up in the musical text, putting in motion the body contracted/freed by the codes written on the score. This workshop is designed to experience and study how our bodies translate directly sound signals into gestures.

A brief presentation of “Plastic Extension of Music” will take place before the performance of the workshop and a discussion afterwards.
Period2022 feb. 23
Typ av evenemangWorkshop
PlatsMalmö, SverigeVisa på karta