Teaching for Sustainability: Ideas on how to support transformative change

  • Thoni, T. (värd)
  • Curtis, S. (organisatör)
  • Mirjam Glessmer (organisatör)
  • Martina Oxling (inbjuden talare)
  • Lisette van Beek (inbjuden talare)

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangArrangerat workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


In the face of increasing conflict and uncertainty, there is a growing movement within and beyond the academy to assess the current assumptions underlying knowledge production and learning in higher education. In this seminar, we introduced the notion of transformative learning and shared specific examples that demonstrated possibilities for the university to inspire critical reflection, evaluative judgement, and self-examination.
Period2024 apr. 16
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta