The Disruptive Role of Data and AI in the Life Sciences

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangDeltagit i konferens


16:20-17:05 Project presentation WASP-HS DDLS (3* 15 min)

Harald Hammarström: Linguistic Diversity Through the Prism of Biodiversity
Stanley Greenstein: AI in the Health Care Sector – Legal Challenges
Sonja Aits: Mapping the Nexus of Biodiversity, Climate Change, Human Society and Health using Large Language Models and other Data Science Approaches
Chair: Stefan Larsson

11:30-12:15 Panel on common research challenges


Sunduz Keles
Ross King
Klaus Hoyer
Andreas Kerren
Tino Ebbers
Moderators: Rebecka Jörnsten and Stefan Larsson
Period2024 sep. 242024 sep. 25
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsGothenburg, SverigeVisa på karta

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Naturvetenskap
  • Samhällsvetenskap
  • Humaniora
  • Teknik och teknologier
  • Medicin och hälsovetenskap