The Empowered Patient: Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Data in Chronic Illness Self-Management

Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskapHandledning av masterstudenter


This study examines how individuals attribute meaning to their self-tracking data and how they utilize these meanings in the self-management of their chronic disorders. Specifically, this study uses transcripts archived by the Quantified Self movement, which involves individuals using technology or various tools to collect data about various aspects of their daily lives, emphasizing self-tracking and personal data analytics to gain insights into their health, improve behaviors, and achieve personal goals through data-driven decision-making. By conducting a hybrid thematic analysis approach and building upon the 3 themes previously founded by Sharon & Zandbergen (2017), the findings conclude an additional 4 themes. The 7 ways in which individuals attribute meaning to their data are; a form of mindfulness, a tool for resisting social norms, a means of communication & narrative, health literacy advocacy, an empirical self-experimentation, a sense of belonging and community, the difference between life and death. This study highlights the critical role of self-tracking in promoting proactive health management and underscores its potential to transform patient care. These results suggest that integrating self-tracking into the self-management of chronic illnesses could potentially aid in better health outcomes and increased patient engagement. Future research should explore the long-term effects of self-tracking on various health metrics.
Examinerad/handledd personMelanie Nicole Perez