Theme III: Knowledge about justice and equity in a sustainable world

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangArrangerat workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


According to the United Nations, the 2020’s is the “decade of action” in which sustainable solutions must be accelerated and put into action. We need to create new ways forward to reach a carbon neutral society. The challenge is global, but action needs to be taken on various levels in both the Global South and the Global North. When climate action measures are discussed, it is important that both benefits and costs of the social transformation are justly distributed. Within the frames of this theme the presenters can address a multitude of questions, based on their research area. For example, what risks are we prepared to take, and are we taking risks at the expense of others? Who has the right to health care, is entitled to the land, in charge of the water distribution, or has access to energy and transport? Are new technology and digitalization enabling or constraining equal opportunities and democracy? Can food and other products be produced and consumed in a just way, to meet the global demand without causing damage or harm on a local scale? How can science, policy and the civic society join forces and develop technical solutions and fair use of natural resources, and at the same time meet the goals for human rights, equal treatment and non-discrimination? What can we learn from case studies on the distributional impacts of specific actions in areas such as energy, food, education?
Period2021 maj 4
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta