Unions continue to play an important role, and union agreements still cover most workers through various institutional arrangements. Coordination of wage negotiations across sectors is still useful in ensuring stability, international competitiveness, and high employment—key goals for the wage-setting system. However, the Nordic model isn’t without its challenges. Union membership has declined, and employers are pushing for more decentralized wage-setting to better meet the diverse needs of different industries and firms. In particular, public sector wage-setting poses unique challenges in several Nordic countries.Economic science has also changed. Cross-country regressions are no longer common in empirical studies, and labor market issues are now often examined using experimental or quasi-experimental methods. For a time, labor economics shifted away from its traditional focus, but recently, there’s been renewed interest in classic topics like unions, wage negotiations, inequality, and market structure. These are some of the issues that will be presented and discussed during this peer-review conference of the upcoming Nordic Economic Policy Review.
Period | 2024 okt. 24 |
Typ av evenemang | Konferens |
Plats | Stockholm, SverigeVisa på karta |
Omfattning | Internationell |
Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)
- Samhällsvetenskap
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