Workshop – The Political Theology of Malcolm X in Istanbul

  • Anders Ackfeldt (organisatör)
  • Emin Poljarevic (organisatör)

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangArrangerat workshop/ seminarium/ kurs


The main purpose of the workshop is to generate a set of articles that will be published in the special issue of the Swedish Theological Quarterly (STQ). The special issue is dedicated to exploring the manifold expressions of Malcolm X’s political theology and its many legacies in contemporary culture, politics and religion. Political theology is understood here in relation to a range of socio-political actions and manifestation of collective will to freedom inspired by Malcolm X’s ideas including various portrayals and interpretations of his life work. Political theology furthermore refers to the dynamic relationship between different power structures and people tied up within such structures, including their various attempts to reform or exit those same structures. This is a joint scholarly attempt to further explore the impact and living legacy of Malcolm X’s thought, beliefs, and activism in and beyond the North American context.
Period2019 aug. 182019 aug. 19
Typ av evenemangKonferens
Platsisatnbul, TurkietVisa på karta