10 fs transient absorption lab @ Chemical Physics




    Ultra lab


    Lab for time-resolved transmission&reflection spectroscopy with down to 10 fs temporal resolution and with very high signal-to-noise ratio.

    Utrustning och resurser

    Two amplified fs laser systems. i- CPA-2001 (Clark-MXR) with the following characteristics: 775 nm, 1 kHz, 1.1 mJ followed by three NOPAs: 15 ÷ 100 fs; 250 ÷ 1100 nm; up to 30 µJ and ii- Pharos (Light Conversion) with the following characteristics: 1030 nm, 10 ÷ 600 kHz; up to 0.8 mJ followed by two NOPAs: 20÷ 100 fs; 300 ÷ 650 nm and 600 ÷ 950 nm; up to 5 µJ.

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Fysikalisk kemi

    Typ av infrastruktur

    • Utrustning