Facility for TEM and site-specific sample preparation from hard materials






    The infrastructure offers a complete set of tools for the preparation of site specific and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens from hard solid materials with the accuracy of target positioning at least 10 μm. It includes instruments for the preparation of flat-surface, thin-foil and section specimens by electric-discharge, mechanical and ultrasonic cutting, punching, mechanical parallel-surface and dimple grinding, and final electro-polishing or precision ion-milling to electron transparency. These are achieved by using a specific selection from the instrument pool.

    This infrastructure can also be suitable for the preparation of specimens for large-scale facilities, e.g. needles for tomographic X-ray imaging.

    Utrustning och resurser

    Full list of instruments including brief description for each is available at the Facility webpage.
    This infrastructure is mostly split between two rooms M:2384-2385 in the M-house (Kenicentrum IV at present) of LTH. One instrument (electric-discharge machine) is located in the mechanical workshop of the department of mechanical engineering of M-house.

    Styrning av infrastrukturen

    The infrastructure is managed by Prof. Dmytro Orlov (Division of Materials Engineering) in consultations with Prof. Reine Wallenberg (nCHREM)

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Materialteknik

    Typ av infrastruktur

    • Utrustning