LUNARC - Center for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University. Part of Swedish infrastructure SNIC



    Namn på nationell/internationell infrastruktur som denna infrastruktur tillhör

    LUNARC provides resources to the WLCG consortium via


    The center provides computational, storage and
    visualisation resources and expertise for Lund University
    and on a national level in Sweden
    Lunarc has been in operation since 1986. As of 2003, the
    services are synchronized with five other centers within
    the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC.

    Utrustning och resurser

    LUNARC operates an high-performance computing
    facility, Aurora, which provides over 6000 cores. In
    addition to this LUNARC also provides ~3 Petabytes of
    storage resources for SNIC and LU researchers. LUNARC also provides GPU-resources for computing and

    Erbjudna tjänster

    Provider of high performance compute, storage and
    visualization resources for Swedish academia.

    Styrning av infrastrukturen

    LUNARC has a board appointed by Lund University. Day
    to day operations are handled by a director and a deputy

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Teknik och teknologier

    Typ av infrastruktur

    • Utrustning
    • Tjänster


    • Infrastruktur av nationellt intresse (Vetenskapsrådet)