Swedish CardioPulmonary BioImage Study Malmö/Lund





    Namn på nationell/internationell infrastruktur som denna infrastruktur tillhör

    The national SCAPIS office/infrastructure is located in Gothenburg


    A collaboration between 6 Swedish universities. All 6 sites followedthe same core protocol, with the possibility to add furtherexaminations depending on local interests. A total of 30154 menand women, 50-64 years old, were examined during 2014-2018. Ofthem, 6251 were included in Malmö. Extensive examinations ofcardiovascular and pulmonary functions were performed, includingspirometry, ultrasound of carotids, CT angiography and CT thorax.Blood samples were taken and stored in biobank.

    Utrustning och resurser

    Data from extensive examinations, such as spirometry, ultrasoundof carotids, questionnaires, electrocardiography (ECG), images fromCT examination, etc. Results from a dietary inventory. Biobanksamples. Information from a genome wide scan.

    Digitala och fysiska samlingar

    Data is available after application to www.scapis.org.
    Information about local substudies is given by Gunnar Engström.

    Styrning av infrastrukturen

    A steering committee, including representatives from 6 Swedishuniversities, is responsible for the coordination of the nationalresource of the SCAPIS study.
    PI SCAPIS Malmö/Lund: Gunnar Engström
    Chairman for the National Steering committee: Professor Göran Bergström, Gothenburg university.

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Kardiologi

    Typ av infrastruktur

    • Digitala samlingar