Within the last three years; international cooperation with Mass Observation Archive at Sussex University, Cultura at Åbo Akademi University, The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS) and Dansk Folkemindesamling at the Royal Danish Library.
The Archives participates in Alvin; a platform for the long-term preservation and accessible storage of digitised collections and digital cultural heritage materials. Alvin is managed and developed by Uppsala University Library in collaboration with other cultural heritage institutions.
Agreement with The Institute for Language and Folklore (ISOF) providing service for ISOF’s physical collections stored at Arkivcentrum Syd.
The Folklife Archives was founded in 1913 by Carl Wilhelm von Sydow. The Archives is a part of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology and work in close collaboration with researchers at Lund University. The Archives initiate, collect, preserve and visualize part of Sweden's daily life through personal narration. The Archives provide research service in collecting and archiving research material. Offices and collections are located at Arkivcentrum Syd in Lund.
The physical collections occupies 1224 meters.
Extensive digitalisation of the collections partly available through the web and through the project of Alvin.
The Folklife Archives conducts continuous documentation through themed directives (questionnaires). Themed directives are sent to a panel of writers and/or become published and collected through a web portal.
The directives are sent out since 1932 in collaboration with researchers at Lund University providing the University with a research service in collecting and archiving the material. Directives are also initiated by the Folklife Archives.
The Archives carries out special documentation projects. In addition, service include providing archived material for researchers, students and staff at a daily bases mainly for Lund University but also for other universities, museums, archives and for the public.
Collaboration with other traditional archives, national and international, are performed continuously.
The staff consists of manager, archivists and archive assistants.
The manager reports to the dean of the joint faculties of humanities and theology.
The Folklife Archives has an expert reference group with the purpose of providing scientific support and advice for research and documentation. The members of the reference group are confirmed by the faculty board and meet once or twice a year with the archive manager as convener.
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