


    Namn på nationell/internationell infrastruktur som denna infrastruktur tillhör

    Region Skåne


    The Tissue bank procures donated tissue for transplantation, medical treatment, research, and education. The operating room at the Tissue Bank can be used for education and research that require access to donated tissues. Research projects that need to perform medical experiments can book the facilities. The procurement for experiments requires ethical approval and will be performed by the staff at the Tissue Bank.

    Utrustning och resurser

    A well-equipped operating room with a multipurpose operating table, lights, compressed air etc, including a preparation room, dressing rooms, washroom, and instrument storage.

    Digitala och fysiska samlingar

    The Tissue Bank is a regional bio bank with different collections. For example, tissue from donors with congenital heart diseases, heart transplanted donors and recipients, and meniscus.

    Erbjudna tjänster

    The staff at the Tissue Bank carry out the procurement and preparation of tissue. The staff performs the donor screening, approaches the relatives of potential donors, and obtains consent.
    The procurement, registration and further processing depending on the research project. The Tissue Bank will enter into an agreement with each research project.

    Styrning av infrastrukturen

    Mali Rosdahl, Head of Unit
    Maj Stenmark, web manager
    Elisabeth Olhager, director, VO barnkirurgi och neonatalvård.

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Medicinsk etik

    Typ av infrastruktur

    • Digitala samlingar
    • Utrustning
    • Fysiska samlingar
    • Tjänster