Aktiviteter per år
- 7 resultat
Between Law and Safety: Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and the Socio-professional Construction of Legality in European Civil Aviation
Bergström, J. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
2023 aug. 28Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Modelling intent for Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Exploring human-centric approaches for future combat aircraft systems
Bergström, J. (Examinator)
2022 dec. 14Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Patient safety and suicide: learning in theory and practice from investigations of suicide as patient harm
Bergström, J. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
2022 dec. 9Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
From In-Situ Simulation to Beyond: Improving Paediatric Trauma Care
Bergström, J. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
2021Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Adapting to increased automation in the aviation industry through performance measurement and training: Barriers and potential
Bergström, J. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
2020Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
A Framework for Risk Assessment in Augmented Reality-equipped Socio-technical Systems
Bergström, J. (Roll ej angiven)
2020Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Making Sense of Adaptation: Resilience in High Risk Work
Bergström, J. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
2017Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination