Foto av Alejandro Cesarco

Alejandro Cesarco

Professor, adjungerad

Personlig profil

Konstnärligt arbete

One of the threads that runs along most of my work is a concern with narrative processes, structures and genres. I am interested in issues of narrative because of the significance it has as a fundamental social ordering structure and as a means of making our experiences intelligible. What I am trying to do through the work is to consider how narratives function, how they collapse, and how they leek into forms that surround us. I am interested in questioning what are the ideological consequences of stories and the way we tell stories, and the hold they have in the way we articulate ourselves to ourselves and to each other.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

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  • 1 Liknande profiler

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  • Eureka

    Cesarco, A. (Roll ej angiven)


    Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskapHandledning av forskarstuderande