Projekt per år
- 6 Aktiva
Biocontrol of downy mildew disease and biostimulation using Trichoderma spp. in quinoa and cañahua
Palma Encinas, V. D. (Forskarstuderande), Rasmusson, A. (Handledare) & von Wachenfeldt, C. (Biträdande handledare)
2022/11/11 → …
Projekt: Avhandling
Biomolecular and structural comparisons of ancient and modern plants– tools for tracing phylogeny and survival strategies during mass extinctions
Rasmusson, A. (PI), Du Toit, S. F. (Forskare), Vajda, V. (PI) & Mattsson, C. (Forskningsingenjör)
2021/01/01 → …
Projekt: Forskning
Identification of sugar beet genes needed for competence for biostimulation and biocontrol.
Rasmusson, A. (Forskare) & Dotson, B. (Forskare)
2020/10/01 → …
Projekt: Forskning
Signalling and mechanisms for plant cell protection against antibiotic peptides from the symbiotic fungus Trichoderma spp.
Rasmusson, A. (PI) & Panthapulakkal Narayanan, S. (Forskare)
2020/01/01 → …
Projekt: Forskning
Identification of novel components of mitochondrial retrograde signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Tran, H. C. (Forskare), Van Aken, O. (Handledare) & Rasmusson, A. (Handledare)
2019/03/04 → …
Projekt: Avhandling
LUPS: Lund University Plant Sciences
Ahrén, D. (CoI), Andersson, S. (CoI), Bülow, L. (CoI), Cronberg, N. (CoI), Dotson, B. (CoI), Leiva Eriksson, N. (CoI), Friberg, M. (CoI), Gomez, F. (CoI), Hansson, M. (CoI), Jarl-Sunesson, C. (CoI), Leonova, S. (CoI), Loncarevic, I. (CoI), Löfstedt, C. (CoI), Marmon, S. (CoI), Olsson, O. (CoI), Olsson, P. A. (CoI), Prentice, H. C. (CoI), Rasmusson, A. (CoI), Rollano Penaloza, O. M. (CoI), Sirijovski, N. (CoI), Säll, T. (CoI), Tyler, T. (CoI), Van Aken, O. (Projektkoordinator), Zakhrabekova, S. (CoI), Opedal, Ø. (Forskare), Du Toit, S. F. (Forskare), Panthapulakkal Narayanan, S. (Forskare) & Khairoullina, A. (Forskare)
2019/01/01 → …
Projekt: Nätverk