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Over the past decade, my research has focused on the interdisciplinary field of Arts and Health, specifically examining how engagement with various forms of arts and culture can enhance individual and community health and wellbeing.

Utilising different research methods and interdisciplinary approaches, my studies have examined the impact of arts engagement on various health outcomes, including self-reported health, wellbeing, mortality, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases as well as social and psychological outcomes with a total of 22 journal publications, 2 books, book chapters and numerous other publications.

My research aims not only to evaluate the effects of such activities but also to elucidate the mechanisms by which they improve psychosocial health and wellbeing. My research highlights how such activities can foster social connections and promote social and psychological wellbeing, and self-efficacy, thereby offering a holistic approach to healthcare.

I am also interested in how primary healthcare resources can be optimised and involved in promoting social prescribing approaches. One of my key research areas focuses on the psychosocial effects of "Arts on Prescription" (AoP), a social prescribing intervention designed for primary healthcare patients dealing with anxiety, stress, depression, social isolation, or loneliness. The aim of the work is  to establish AoP as a scalable intervention, supporting regional and municipal initiatives to address mental health challenges and reduce social isolation, as well as investigate longitudinal outcomes on AoP providing insights into the long-term health and wellbeing benefits of this approach.

Additionally, my work has involved political advocacy for the integration of arts and culture activities into the healthcare system underpinning person-centered care. I have presented my research at the Danish Parliament, the European Parliament, the UK Parliament, and for regional and local authorities in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway contributing to academic field of arts and health across Europe.

I am also the editor-in-chief of the Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health and co-founder of the Nordic Arts and Health Research Network.


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