Hägglund, M.,
Davoody, N.,
Kristensson Ekwall, A. &
Farrokhnia, N.,
Caring is Sharing - Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation - Proceedings of MIE 2023. Hagglund, M., Blusi, M., Bonacina, S., Nilsson, L., Madsen, I. C., Pelayo, S., Moen, A., Benis, A., Lindskold, L. & Gallos, P. (red.).
IOS Press,
s. 942-946 5 s. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; vol. 302).
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceeding › Konferenspaper i proceeding › Peer review