Aktiviteter per år
- 15 resultat
Clinical validation of the paediatric Scandinavian head trauma guidelines and aspects of successful implementation
Khoshnood, A. (opponent), Holmgren, A. (opponent), Undén, J. (Första/primär/huvudhandledare), Marklund, N. (Medlem i handledningsteam) & Calcagnile, O. (Medlem i handledningsteam)
2023 okt. 3Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Kunskapsprov för läkare som utbildats utanför EU/EEA
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2022 okt. 19Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
The Dynamics of Fear of Crime Among LGBT People: A Quantitative Study
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2022 juni 1Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Exiting a gang-involved life: A qualitative study in a Danish Context
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2021 juni 2Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
The portrayal of honor-based Violence in news media: A literature review
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2021 juni 2Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Consequences for teachers who are exposed to student-related Violence
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2021 juni 2Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Literature Review of Mass Shooters Motivations: Intersectional Perspective
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2019 juniAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
The Police Organizations Education, Knowledge and Experiences of Mental Illness: A Qualitative Interview Study
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2019 juniAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
The Application of ‘Geographic Profiling’ in Modern Counter-Terrorism Strategies - A Systematic Review
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2019 juniAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Läkarutbildningen, Termin 11, Akutjsukvård
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2018 juni 7 → 2022Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
OSCE, Termin 6
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2018 juni 4Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Can We Reduce the Onset and Recidivism of Crime with Non Invasive Brain Stimulation? A Systematic Review of the Effects of Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation on Response Inhibition
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2018 majAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
Workplace Violence in Private Security Occupations - A Systematic Literature Review and a Survey Study in Finnish Context
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2018 majAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
The Relationship Between Online Gambling, Psychosocial Problems and Crime for Help-Seekers Calling a Helpline: Differences and Similarities Between Gamblers and Relatives Over an Eight-Year Period
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2018 majAktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination
OSCE, Termin 8
Khoshnood, A. (Examinator)
2012 juni 4Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Examination