Forskningsoutput per år
Forskningsoutput per år
I’m a researcher and senior lecturer at the Division of Geology and my research interest mainly focuses on groundwater issues, even though I have experiences from other disciplines such as reconstruction of sea-level changes and isostatic adjustment modeling. The groundwater research focuses on occurrence, fate and behavior of organic and inorganic contaminants in groundwater and sediments within the groundwater system. I also study changes in groundwater quality over time and work to develope investigation methods of groundwater conditions.
I have especially been working with occurrence and behavior of pesticides in groundwater, the Pegasus project (2009-2014) and ammonium and arsenic contamination of drinking water resources in the Amonas project (2007-2014), as well as age determination and mixing of groundwater and its relationship to contaminants (Region Skåne/SGU-financed project, 2010-2014). Currectly (2019) my group is finishing off in the Trust-project (Transparent Underground Structures 2.1 and 2.4) that has been ongoing sice 2012 concerning "Geoelectrical Imaging for Site Investigation of Urban Underground Infrastructure" and "Combined investigation methods in underground construction projects - monitoring water quality changes with geoelectrical measurements". We are also involved in a project concerning "Non-invasive characterization of contaminating chlorinated ethenes in soil and groundwater using compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and geoelectrical imaging (DCIP)" within the ACDC (2015-2017) project.
Today, my main focus is coordination of the MIRACHL-project (Characterisation and monitoring of in-situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach) where we use three PCE/TCE-contaminated sites in Sweden to develope investigation and monitoring methodology for different remediation techniques. The project involves four PhD-student, partners from authorities, consultants and entrepreneurs and is ongoing until 2021. I current supervise three PhD-students, two as main supervisor (wthin the MIRACHL-project) and one as co-supervisor within the SPLASH-project (Sediment Production: Lithological And Subglacial Hydrogeological controls).
I teach and manage courses in geolgy focusing on environmental aspects such as groundwater pollutants and methods for groundwater investigation (GeoP06 Hydrogeology) and contaminated land and management thereof (GeoC08 Underground pollution). I also teach on the basic courses "Geology in Society (Ge0B25) and the first introduction course on geological aspects for Environmental Science students (GeoA82 Earth, Water and the Environment).
I try to involve bachelor (GeoL01) and master student (GeoR02) projects and have supervised some 40 students within research projects and as joint cooperation with professionals within the environmental sector such as authorities, consultants, and entrepreneurs. I enjoy the interaction between different societal sectors to improve the knowledge and state of our environment. See for example the knowledge project "Lilla Klåveröd" where the SGU price winner for best student project 2014, Jorunn Falkenhaug, has written about groundwater and the hydrogeological cycle at a small area at Söderåsen, Scania. See also the film about Jorunns work and Lilla Klåveröd. Together, we can all make an impact for a better environment and protection of our water resources!
2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till övrig tidskrift/dags- eller nyhetstidning › Dagstidnings-/nyhetsartikel
Forskningsoutput: Konferensbidrag › Konferensabstract
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift › Peer review
Andersson, D.-E. (Forskare), Persson, K. M. (Forskare), Sjöstedt, B. (Forskare), Nordström, J. (Forskare), Sparrenbom, C. (Forskare), Fünfschilling, L. (Forskare) & Puculek, S. (Forskare)
2023/08/01 → 2027/06/30
Projekt: Forskning
Hygum, I. L. (Forskare), Sparrenbom, C. (Handledare), Thomasson, A. (Biträdande handledare), Persson, K. M. (Biträdande handledare) & Persson, A. (Biträdande handledare)
2022/01/31 → …
Projekt: Avhandling
Uldal Hansen, L. (Forskare), Lukas, S. (Forskare), Sparrenbom, C. (Forskare), Alexanderson, H. (Forskare) & Tudisco, E. (Forskare)
2018/12/03 → 2023/08/01
Projekt: Forskning
Benavides Höglund, N. (Forskarstuderande) & Sparrenbom, C. (Handledare)
2018/09/17 → 2024/09/06
Projekt: Avhandling
Åkesson, S. (Forskarstuderande), Sparrenbom, C. (Handledare), Paul, C. (Biträdande handledare) & Martin, T. (Biträdande handledare)
FORMAS, Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande
2017/03/01 → 2022/02/18
Projekt: Avhandling
Brännstedt, L. (Intervjuare) & Sparrenbom, C. (intervjuad)
Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentation › Föreläsning/debatt/seminarium för allmänheten
Sparrenbom, C. (Examinator)
Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Opponent
Sparrenbom, C. (Ledamot i betygsnämnd)
Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Opponent
Sparrenbom, C. (Delad andra handledare), Dahlin, T. (Första/primär/huvudhandledare) & Rosqvist, H. (Delad andra handledare)
Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Handledning av forskarstuderande
Sparrenbom, C. (Delad andra handledare), Lukas, S. (Första/primär/huvudhandledare) & Alexanderson, H. (Delad andra handledare)
Aktivitet: Examination och handledarskap › Handledning av forskarstuderande
Sparrenbom, C. (Mottagare), 2021
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)