Personlig profil


Daniel Veit is a visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics and a professor and chair of Information Systems and Management at the University of Augsburg, Germany. Before joining University of Lund and University of Augsburg, he worked as a professor at University of Mannheim where he also served as the Dean of International Relations and as an academic director for the Executive MBA at Mannheim Business School. Moreover, he held visiting positions at Copenhagen Business School, Washington State University as well as the University of California, Berkeley.

In his research, Prof. Dr. Veit is interested in questions regarding the effect of the digital transformation and the resulting new phenomena in enterprises and society. His main research interest lays in the investigation of influencing factors regarding an economically, societally, and ecologically sustainable future. He focuses primarily on theory building research. From a methodological point of view, he employs qualitative and quantitative empirical methods to gain insights into the effects of digitization in business and society.

Professor Veit is widely published. He co-authored more than 180 research articles, conference contributions, chapters, and books. Amongst others in the Management Information Systems Quarterly, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the Information Systems Journal, the European Journal of Information Systems, and many more. He held several positions in academic boards and assessment committees amongst others for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the European Union, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and many others. He currently serves as a Senior Editor for both, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and the Information Systems Journal.

In his work today, Daniel Veit is mainly interested in sustainability related topics including digitalization of work, societal impact as well as environmental perspectives.


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