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Etzel heads CERCAP, the Center for Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Psychology.
He and his collaborators conduct research on anomalous experiences, the neurophenomenology of hypnotic phenomena, high hypnotizability and dissociation, the relationship between hypnotizability and performance in psi tasks, and the relationship between dissociation and trauma.
Most recentlym he received the 2021 Outstandin Career Award from the Parapsychological Association for his work.
His close to 400 publications include the influential book Varieties of Anomalous Experience (now in a second edition and translated into Portuguese), the 2 volumes of Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Acute Reactions to Trauma and Psychotherapy, and Parapsychology: A Handbook for the 21st Century.
Etzel Cardeña holds the Thorsen Chair in psychology including parapsychology and hypnosis. He was elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS), among other organizations. His research, theoretical, and pedagogical contributions have received awards from various different professional organizations and The University of Texas.
He teaches courses on Altered States of Consciousness and Parapsychology, and Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and conducts and supervises research on his areas of interest.
Etzel has been the artistic director of the International Theatre of Malmö, a theatre director, actor, and writer in México, the USA, and Sweden, and has many of his radio theater adaptations curated by Mexico's National University Radio Station and by Descarga Cultura.
2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Debate/Note/Editorial
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Debate/Note/Editorial
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Letter
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift › Peer review
Cardeña, E. (Mottagare), 2020
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)
Evrard, R. (Mottagare), Pratte, E. A. (Mottagare) & Cardeña, E. (Mottagare), 2019
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)
Cardeña, E. (Mottagare), Lynn, S. J. (Mottagare) & Krippner, S. (Mottagare), 2016
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)
Cardeña, E. (Mottagare), Palmer, J. (Mottagare) & Marcusson-Clavertz, D. (Mottagare), 2015
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)
Cardeña, E. (Mottagare), 2014
Pris: Pris (inklusive medaljer och utmärkelser)