Foto av Gabriel Vogel

Gabriel Vogel

Knuten till universitetet

Personlig profil


I study decision making and introspection mostly with the choice blindness paradigm. In relation to the sense of agency, I currently explore the extent to which we rely on our motor behavior to self-attribute higher-order intentions and preferences. Aside from an experimental approach, I aim to use neuroimaging and Bayesian modeling tools to reach a mechanistic understanding of higher-order cognitive processes, such as choice blindness and the self-ascription of attitudes.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Psykologi (exklusive tillämpad psykologi)

Fria nyckelord

  • cognitive science


Utforska forskningsämnen där Gabriel Vogel är aktiv. Dessa ämnesetiketter kommer från personens arbeten. Tillsammans bildar de ett unikt fingeravtryck.
  • 1 Liknande profiler

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