Personlig profil



• Research Scientist: Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University, Sweden. 01/2022 – Present. 

Parental Leave (100%): February 2020 – July 2020. (6 months)

• Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 07/2019 – 12/2021. Supervisor: Prof. Rasmus Fensholt.

• Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden. 08/2018 - 06/2019. Supervisor: Prof. Lars Eklundh.

• Project Assistant: Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden. 01/2018 - 08/2018. Supervisor: Prof. Jonas Ardö.

Parental Leave (100%): June 2017 – January 2018. (6 months)

• Visiting Scholar: Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA. 08/2015 – 12/2015. Supervisor: Prof. Ranga Myneni.

• Geographic Information Specialist: Polar Geophysics Group, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. 08/2010 – 10/2012. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robin E. Bell.

• Visiting Researcher: GIS/Remote Sensing Lab, Conservation Biology Institute, Smithsonian Institution, Front Royal, VA, USA. 04/2010 – 08/2010. Supervisor: Dr. Peter Leimgruber.

• Project Geoscientist: Energy, Environment and Infrastructure Unit, Science Applications International Corporation, Hackensack, NJ, USA. 05/2007 – 08/2008. Supervisor: Mark Hasting.

• Geotechnician: Energy, Environment and Infrastructure Unit, Science Applications International Corporation, Hackensack, NJ, USA. 04/2005 – 05/2007. Supervisor: Jillian M. Loughlin.



Uppfyllt alla krav för blivande docent inklusive:

  • Naturvetenskapliga fakultetens doktorandhandledningskurs, Lunds universitet, 2024
  • Bortom doktorandhandledning – lärdom och akademiska värderingar, Lunds universitet, 2023
  • Lärande och undervisning i högre utbildning - teori och praktik, Lunds universitet, 2022


Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University, Sweden

  • Course co-coordinator: Environmental Monitoring, 15 ECTS - (Spring 2024).
  • Module Instructor: GIS for Environmental Monitoring - (Spring 2024).

School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability, Halmstad University, Sweden

  • Course instructor: Geographical Information Systems Focusing on Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development, 7.5 ECTS - (Spring 2024).

Social Research and Development Institute, Hargeisa, Somaliland

  • Instructor: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, 1.5 ECTS - (Fall 2023).

College of Agriculture, University of Hargeisa, Somaliland

  • Instructor: Introduction to Ecosystem Science, 1 ECTS - (Fall 2022).

Dept. of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, Copenhagen University, Denmark

  • Module instructor: Introduction to Remote Sensing - (Spring 2021).

Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University

  • Module instructor: Physical Geography – Spatial Analysis, 7.5 ECTS - (Spring 2015, 2016).
  • Module instructor (distance): Advanced Geographic Information Systems, 15 ECTS - (Fall 2014, 2015, 2018).
  • Course instructor (distance): GIS in Physical Planning, 7.5 ECTS - (Fall 2014, Spring, 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024).

Center for Sustainability Studies, Lund University, Sweden

  • Module instructor: Urban and Rural Systems and Sustainability (MESS35), 10 ECTS - (Spring 2015, 2016, 2017).

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Smithsonian Institution, USA

  • Instructor: Introduction to Species Distribution Modeling - (Summer 2010).




  • Kamilla Motland: Mapping the habitat of ground-nesting pollinators using Sentinel-2 satellite observations. Degree: M.Sc. in GIS and Remote sensing. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.


  • Marwa Elghoul (03/2023 - 06/2023): Visiting PhD Student from the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage, Tunisia. Dissertation Topic: Ecology of breeding birds in the oases of southern Tunisia - Implications for management and conservation.


  1. Johannes Viskanic (2024): Quantifying vegetation change in a self-governing region northern Syria with MODIS satellite data. Degree: B.Sc. in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  2. Tobias Rydlinge (2022): A deep learning approach to map urban tree canopy. Degree: MSc. in Geographic Information Systems. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  3. Enass Al Kharusi (2021, co-supervisor): Broad-Scale Patterns in CDOM and Total Organic Matter Concentrations of Inland Waters – Insights from Remote Sensing and GIS. Degree: Ph.D. in Geobiosphere Science. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  4. Emma Bylund (2021): Dynamics of net primary production and food availability in the aftermath of the 2004 and 2007 desert locust outbreaks in Niger and Yemen. Degree: M.Sc. in Geographic Information Science. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  5. Camilla Persson (2019): Comparing the vegetation condition of 2017 and 2018 over southern Sweden using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Degree: M.Sc. in Geomatics. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  6. Enzo Zerega (2018): Assessing edge pixel classification and growing stock volume in forest stands using a machine learning algorithm and Sentinel-2 data. Degree: M.Sc. in Geomatics. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  7. Abdalla Eltayeb (2017): Mapping woody canopy cover in the semi-arid Sahel: an approach using satellite remote sensing and Google Earth imagery. Degree: M.Sc. in Geomatics. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  8. Stefanos Georganos (2016): Exploring the spatial relationship between NDVI and rainfall in the semi-arid Sahel using geographically weighted regression. Degree: M.Sc. in Geomatics. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.
  9. Deborah Bowyer (2015): Measuring Urban Growth, Urban Form and Accessibility as Indicators of Urban Sprawl in Hamilton, New Zealand. Degree: M.Sc. in Geographical Information Science. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University.




Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål

2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:

  • SDG 2 – Ingen hunger
  • SDG 3 – God hälsa och välbefinnande
  • SDG 13 – Bekämpa klimatförändringarna
  • SDG 15 – Ekosystem och biologiskt mångfald

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Fjärranalysteknik
  • Miljövetenskap
  • Klimatforskning
  • Naturgeografi
  • Multidisciplinär geovetenskap


Utforska forskningsämnen där Hakim Abdi är aktiv. Dessa ämnesetiketter kommer från personens arbeten. Tillsammans bildar de ett unikt fingeravtryck.
  • 1 Liknande profiler