Foto av Hanno Perrey

Hanno Perrey

Knuten till universitetet

Personlig profil


Neutrons are important probes of matter and are crucial for an increasing number of applications in both scientific and industrial fields. A key element for such studies is the ability to reliably detect neutrons. With the European Spallation Source (ESS) currently being constructed in Lund and about to set new standards in terms of neutron fluxes, new detector technologies able to deliver precision results under such high fluxes are desperately needed.

I manage the Source Testing Facility (STF) at the Division of Nuclear Physics at Lund University (DNPLU). The STF is a joint venture between the DNPLU and the Detector Group of ESS providing access to neutrons using radioactive sources and advanced nuclear physics techniques. As such, it has a unique position in Lund.

What is more, the STF is a fully equipped and properly managed laboratory, offering its users access to electronics, detectors, data acquisition systems, tools, safety equipment and the knowledge on nuclear physics available in our group.

Many of the current prototypes for ESS instruments have already seen their "first neutrons" at the STF. Even commissioning of ESS instruments' detectors are expected to happen at the STF before continuing with on-site commissioning.

But access to neutrons is not only important for detector-related development: recently, we have been involved for example in the investigation and characterization of special shielding materials of interest to ESS as well as future proton therapy sites.

Beyond the Detector Group at ESS we are also collaborating with the Neutron Optics and Shielding Group at ESS and colleagues at Jefferson Lab (USA), Glasgow University (UK), Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany), IDEAS (Norway), Linköping University, and others, some of which are employing the STF for their own studies.

Of course, the STF is also the ideal site for teaching, where education meets ongoing research towards future ESS instruments. Students have the chance to use state-of-the-art equipment during laboratory exercises or their thesis and work side-by-side with scientists.


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