Foto av Johan Dergård

Johan Dergård


Personlig profil


My main areas of teaching are management accounting, management control, performance measurment and capital budgeting (from introductory level to Master courses).


My primary object of study is the use, design, adoption and diffusion of management accounting innovations and use and design of management control systems. I also study corporate external reporting of both financial and non-financial data. At the present, I participate in two international research projects. One project focuses on effective management control system package. This project takes a more holistic approach to the management control system. It focuses on the use and design of management control system as a package and the linkages between control elements. The project involves researchers from nine European countries and Australia and Canada. In total, we have gathered data from 800 large companies. The other project focuses on accounting choices in non-listed companies and the project is a cooperation with researchers at University of Bamberg in Germany.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Företagsekonomi

Fria nyckelord

  • Ekonomistyrning
  • Prestationsmätning
  • Kalkylering


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