Personlig profil


John W. Semple obtained his PhD in Immunology from Queen’s University at Kingston and was a Diabetes Canada Fellow in the Banting and Best Dept. of Medical research at the C.H. Best Institute, University of Toronto. He joined St. Michael’s Hospital in 1990 and was a Senior Staff Scientist and Head of the Toronto Platelet Immunobiology Group at the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Sciences. He is also a Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology, Medicine and Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto.  He joined Lund University in 2016 as a Professor of Transfusion Medicine.  His research is aimed at understanding the cellular immune mechanisms responsible for the generation of IgG antibodies that recognize platelet antigens. These antibodies can lead to clinically significant adverse effects such as autoimmunity causing immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and alloimmunity causing platelet transfusion refractoriness. In ITP, for example, his laboratory is interested in how platelet antigens are processed and presented by antigen-presenting cells to activate T lymphocytes. In platelet refractoriness, his group studies the pro-inflammatory nature of platelets responsible for adverse reactions during platelet transfusions, particularly how platelet Toll-like receptor expression modulates innate immune mechanisms. His laboratory also studies the recipient immune mechanisms that cause Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), a serious complication of transfusion. Professor Semple is the recipient of many awards and a member of several organizations, including the American and European Societies of Hematology and has delivered over 250 presentations at local, national and international meetings. He is currently the Scientific Secretary of the International Society of Blood Transfusion and sits on the editorial board of the journals Blood, Haematologica and Transfusion.  He has served as a reviewer for numerous journals and granting agencies.  Professor Semple has published more than 200 papers in the area of platelet immunology and transfusion medicine.

Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål

2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:

  • SDG 3 – God hälsa och välbefinnande

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medicin och hälsovetenskap
  • Immunologi inom det medicinska området


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