Personlig profil


Lara Laban is a PhD Student at the Lund University School of Aviation (LUSA) and at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University. Her primary feild of research at the moment is Enhanced Path Planning for Autonomous UAV Missions: Integrating Modified RRT* with Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Obstacle Avoidance.

Further, the student has done work in the robot lab; including various autonomous flights at the LTH Kemicentrum field (the first autonomous flight), Lund Golf Course and Gränsö Slott, Västervik in joint collaboration with WARA Public Safety (WARA-PS).

The project is concentrated on making the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) autonomous and enabling them to solve complex problems, without human control inputs, all the while flying beyond the visual line of sight in an airspace consisting of unmanned and manned aircrafts. This thesis will lie at the intersection between the fields of Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence. 


Co-supervision of Master Thesis project "Minimizing network utilization in event-triggered control of multi-agent system", done by Anton Hässler, 2022

Automatic Control, Basic Course (FRTF05): Teaching Assistant Labs 2023
Non-Linear Systems (FRTF05): Teaching Assistant Labs 2023

Project course FRTN70: Teaching Assistant 2024


Lund University School of Aviation (LUSA)
WARA Public Safety: Demonstration Week
WASP Affiliated PhD Student

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Robotteknik och automation
  • Reglerteknik

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