Foto av Madelène Isaksson

Madelène Isaksson


Personlig profil


Monoclonal antibodies have revolutionized healthcare by enabling treatments with high precision and efficacy. However, their manufacturing, particularly the downstream process, is complex and resource-intensive. To address this, process intensification is essential, which can be achieved by transitioning from traditional batch purification to integrated continuous downstream processing.

In my research, I combine knowledge within process design, automation, and control to develop more efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes based on integrated continuous processing. Additionally, my work focuses on buffer intensification through efficient buffer management and the introduction of buffer recycling. The goal of my research is to make the production of monoclonal antibodies more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective, thereby increasing global access.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Kemiska processer


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