Jonas Manjer
- Kirurgi - Professor
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
Signe Borgquist
- Bröstcancer - prevention & intervention - Projektledare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
- Bröstcancer - Affilierad professor
Ann Rosendahl
- Bröstcancer - prevention & intervention - Projektledare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
- Bröstcancer - Universitetslektor, Principal Investigator, Avdelningschef, Handledare, Docent
Ylva Bengtsson
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Postdoktor
- Bröst/ovarialcancer - Postdoktor
Karin Elebro
- Bröstcancer - prevention & intervention - Forskningsprojektdeltagare
- Kirurgi - Specialistläkare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Forskare
Salma Butt
- Kirurgi - Läkare
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Läkare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Forskare
Linnea Huss
- Kirurgi - Postdoc
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Doktorand
- Kliniska Vetenskaper, Helsingborg - Forskare
- Bröstcancer - Postdoktor
Åke Borg
- Bröstcancer-genetik - Professor, Handledare, Principal Investigator
- Familjär bröstcancer - Projektledare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
Lao Saal
- Translational Oncogenomics - Projektledare, Universitetslektor
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
- Transl onkogenomik - Avdelningschef, Docent, Principal Investigator, Handledare
Person: akademisk personal
Sophia Zackrisson
- Diagnostisk radiologi, Malmö - Professor, Forskargruppschef, Chef
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
- LTH profilområde: Avancerade ljuskällor - Profilområdesmedlem
- LU profilområde: Ljus och material - Profilområdesmedlem
Gunnar Engström
- Kardiovaskulär forskning - epidemiologi - Professor, Forskargruppschef
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
Kristoffer Mattisson
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Docent
- Planetär hälsa - Biträdande forskare
Anna Oudin
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Statistiker
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Docent
- Planetär hälsa - Forskargruppschef
- LTH profilområde: Aerosoler - Profilområdesmedlem
- LU profilområde: Naturbaserade framtidslösningar - Profilområdesmedlem
Jesse Thacher
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Biträdande forskare
- Planetär hälsa - Biträdande forskare
- Genetisk arbets- och miljömedicin - Biträdande forskare
Olle Melander
- Kardiovaskulär forskning - hypertoni - Professor, Forskargruppschef, Principal Investigator
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Principal Investigator
- EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden - Principal Investigator
- MultiPark: Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson´s disease - Principal Investigator
Person: akademisk personal
Lisa Ryden
- Kirurgi, Lund - Handledare, Professor
- Bröstcancerkirurgi - Projektledare
- The Liquid Biopsy och Tumörprogression i Bröstcancer - Projektledare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
- Bröstcancerbehandling - Avdelningschef, Principal Investigator
Hanna Sartor
- Diagnostisk radiologi, Malmö - Docent
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
Person: akademisk personal
Maria Albin
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Docent, Expert
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Docent
- Miljöepidemiologi - Expert
Li Sturesdotter
- Diagnostisk radiologi, Malmö - Forskarstuderande, Läkare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Doktorand
Karin Broberg
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Professor
- Genetisk arbets- och miljömedicin - Forskargruppschef
- Metalund - Föreståndare, Docent
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Forskare
- LTH profilområde: Aerosoler - Profilområdesmedlem
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Principal Investigator
Anna-Maria Larsson
- The Liquid Biopsy och Tumörprogression i Bröstcancer - Forskningsprojektdeltagare
- LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum - Forskare
- Bröstcancerbehandling - Läkare
Erin Flanagan
- Planetär hälsa - Forskarassistent
- Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin - Forskarassistent
Elin P. Sørgjerd
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- St. Olav’s University Hospital
Extern person
Kala Visvanathan
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Johns Hopkins University
Extern person
Ross Prentice
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- University of Bergen
- Haukeland University Hospital
Extern person
Howard D Sesso
- Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School
- Harvard University
- Harvard Medical School
Extern person
Anouar Fanidi
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- University of Cambridge
- Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Extern person
Hilary A. Robbins
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Anne Tjønneland
- Kræftens Bekæmpelse
- University of Copenhagen
- University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences
- Aarhus University
- German Cancer Research Centre
- Institute of Cancer Epidemiology - Denmark
- Danish Cancer Institute
Extern person
Xuehong Zhang
- Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard University
Extern person
Mattias Johansson
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Wei Zheng
- Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO)
- Vanderbilt University
- NYU Langone
Extern person
Jerzy Adamski
- Helmholtz Zentrum München
- Technical University of Munich
- National University of Singapore
- University of Ljubljana
Extern person
Joseph A. Rothwell
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- Institut Gustave Roussy
- University of Paris-Saclay
- Stabilite genetique et oncogenese
- Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
Extern person
Lutz Schomburg
Extern person
Pietro Ferrari
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- University of Bergen
Extern person
Debora Rizzuto
- Karolinska Institutet
- Stockholm Gerontology Research Center
- Stockholms universitet
Extern person
Therese Haugdahl Nøst
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Extern person
V. Katzke
- German Cancer Research Centre
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Citta' della Salute e della Scienza Hospital-University of Turin
- German Institute of Human Nutrition
Extern person
Domenico Palli
- Cancer Research and Prevention Institute
- Karolinska Institutet
- Institute for Cancer Research, Prevention and Clinical Network (ISPRO)
Extern person
Mathilde His
- University of Paris-Saclay
- Institut Gustave Roussy
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- Stabilite genetique et oncogenese
Extern person
Eva M. Andersson
- Göteborgs universitet
- Sahlgrenska Academy
- Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Extern person
Alicia K. Heath
- Imperial College London
- St Mary's University, Twickenham
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Maria Dolores Chirlaque
- Murcia Regional Health Council
- CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)
- University of Murcia
- Murcia Regional Health Authority
- Imib Instituto Murciano De Investigación Biosanitaria
Extern person
Roger L. Milne
- Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
- Cancer Council Victoria
- University of Melbourne
- Monash University
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- Cancer Council
Extern person
Laure Dossus
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- German Cancer Research Centre
Extern person
Salvatore Panico
- University of Naples Federico II
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Extern person
J. Michael Gaziano
- Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School
- Veterans Health Administration
- Boston Veteran's Administration (VA) Healthcare
- Harvard University
Extern person
Hrafnhildur Gudjonsdottir
- Karolinska Institutet
- Centre for Epidemiology and Community Medicine
Extern person
Pekka Keski-Rahkonen
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Nasser Laouali
- University of Paris-Saclay
- Institut Gustave Roussy
- Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- University of Massachusetts
Extern person
Fabian Eichelmann
- Leipzig University
- German Center for Diabetes Research
- German Institute of Human Nutrition
Extern person
Graham G Giles
- Laval University
- Cancer Council Victoria
- University of Melbourne
- Monash University
Extern person
Rudolf Kaaks
- German Cancer Research Centre
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Augustin Scalbert
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Loic Le Marchand
- University Hospital of Cologne
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center
Extern person
Carlotta Sacerdote
- Citta' della Salute e della Scienza Hospital-University of Turin
- Human Genetic Foundation (HuGeF)
- Centre for Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention (CPO Piemonte)
- University of Turin
- CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)
Extern person
Miguel Rodríguez Barranco
- Andalusian School of Public Health
- CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)
Extern person
Ying Wang
- Xi'an Jiaotong University
- American Cancer Society
- South China Agricultural University
Extern person
Gianluca Severi
- INSERM U1018
- University of Paris-Saclay
- Stabilite genetique et oncogenese
- Human Genetic Foundation (HuGeF)
- University of Melbourne
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Institut Gustave Roussy
- Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- University of Florence
Extern person
Matthias B. Schulze
- German Institute of Human Nutrition
- German Center for Diabetes Research
- University of Potsdam
- German Centre for Cardiovascular Research
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Extern person
Mattias Johansson
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
Extern person
Rosario Tumino
- University of Pretoria
- Civic and M.P.Arezzo Hospital
- Hyblean Association for Epidemiological Research
- Provincial Health Authority (ASP) Ragusa
Extern person
Catalina Bonet
- Catalan Institute of Oncology
- Bellvitge University Hospital-IDIBELL
- Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute
Extern person
Bas Bueno de Mesquita
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Imperial College London
- University Medical Center Utrecht
- University of Malaya
Extern person
Kim Overvad
- Aarhus University
- Aalborg University Hospital
- Aalborg University
- Aarhus University Hospital
Extern person
Jian-Min Yuan
- University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Extern person
J Michael Gaziano
- Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School
- Baltimore VA Medical Center
- Veterans Health Administration
- Boston Veteran's Administration (VA) Healthcare
Extern person
Marc J. Gunter
- International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization
- Imperial College London
- Helsinki University Central Hospital
- Aarhus University
- Umeå University
Extern person