Personlig profil


Marie Skepö, Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at Lund University in Sweden and Assistant Head of the Department of Chemistry.

Research projects:

  • The goal is to reveal the static and dynamic properties of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action and the static and dynamic structure-function relationship.
  • Establish a quantitative link between polymer theory, computer simulations, and predominantly scattering experiments for IDPs.
  • Pushing the boundaries regarding analyzing scattering data with computer simulations.
  • Structural and thermodynamical properties of colloids with a focus on anisotropic particles (clay).

For this purpose, atomistic and coarse-grained MD/MC simulations are combined with scattering, spectroscopy, and surface adsorption techniques.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Fysikalisk kemi
  • Teoretisk kemi

Fria nyckelord

  • oordnade proteiner
  • biomolekylär växelverkan
  • Spridningsmetoder
  • datorsimuleringar
  • lera
  • yt- och kolloidkemi


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