Foto av Ola Wendt

Ola Wendt


Personlig profil


Ola F. Wendt received his under-graduate degree at Lund University in 1992 doing his diploma work with Ulf Berg on inclusion compounds with cyclodextrins. For his graduate degree he worked with Lars Ivar Elding at Lund University on studies on mechanisms of substitution processes in platinum(II) and palladium(II), both in classical coordination and organometallic compounds. This led to a PhD in inorganic chemistry in 1997. He then moved to Caltech in Pasadena to do postdoctoral work with John Bercaw on organozirconium chemistry related to olefin polymerisation.

He was appointed assistant professor at Lund University in 2000 on a Swedish Research Council grant. He became "Docent" in 2003 and has held a Special Research position in Green Chemistry sponsored by the Swedish Research Council.

In February 2010 he became a full professor of Inorganic Chemistry and since January 2024 he is Head of the Department of Chemistry.

The work in the group is in the general field of organotransition metal chemistry and the goal is to find and develop organometallic reactions with possible applications in catalysis. We use specialised synthetic techniques, including high-vacuum, Schlenk and glove box work. Structural characterisation is performed using mainly multi-nuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. In our work we always try to understand reaction mechanisms in as much detail as possible using, inter alia, kinetics measurements and spectroscopic identification of inter-mediates. In looking for new catalysis we also develop the basic organometallic chemistry of e.g. pincer ligands and complexes.

Activation of small molecules and unreactive bonds is a major theme in the group. One area of particular interest is dehydrogenation reactions, e.g. in the framework of hydrogen storage. Within this work we also devote efforts on understanding the chemistry of metal hydrides.



In the group we are involved in teaching on the following courses: 


Second year inorganic chemistry for chemical engineers

Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry

Organic Chemistry
Ola Wendt lectures the NMR part of this course


Present and previous members in the Wendt group:

PhD students (OFW main supervisor unless indicated):

1. Sven Sjövall, PhD Oct 2001 (with Carlaxel Andersson)

2. Patrik Nilsson, PhD May 2005  

3. Adriana Ionescu, PhD Jun 2006 (with Carlaxel Andersson)

4. Roger Johansson, PhD Feb 2007 

5. Daniel Olsson, PhD Oct 2007

6. Emmanuel Tebandeke, FL, Dec 2008; PhD Makerere U., Oct 2012 (with Henry Ssekaloo)

7. Magnus Johnson, PhD Feb 2013

8. Klara Jonasson, PhD Jun 2014

9. Mikhail Kondrashov, PhD Dec 2015

10. Ruth Odhiambo PhD Nairobi U, Dec 2015 (with Lydia Njenga)

11. Ekaterina Bolbat, PhD Sep 2016

12. Sheetal Sisodiya, PhD Jun 2017

13. Solomon Yiga, FL Jan 2018; PhD Makerere U., Mar 2021 (with Henry Ssekaloo)

14. Maitham Majeed, PhD Feb 2018

15. Abdelrazek Mousa, PhD Dec 2018

16. Rachael Njogu, PhD Nairobi U, Dec 2020 (with Lydia Njenga)

17. Fiona Maungo Nermark, PhD May 2023 (with Charlotta Turner)

18. Ruth Mbabazi, PhD Mar 2024 (with Emmanuel Tebandeke)

19. Nitish Garg, PhD Jan 2024

20. Alice Spangenberg, enrolled Sep 2021


Postdoctoral scholars:

1. Mostafa El Masnaouy, PhD, April 2001–July 2002

2. Emmanuel Roblou, PhD, January 2003–December 2004

3. Michael Hill, PhD, December 2004–September 2005

4. Athimoolam Pillai, PhD, March 2006-November 2007

5. Nagarajan Loganathan, PhD, April 2009–April 2012

6. Sudarkodi Raman, PhD, September 2009–August 2011

7. Inus van der Rensburg, PhD, February 2010–January 2011

8. André Fleckhaus, PhD, April 2011–April 2013

9. Kevin Guillois, PhD, April 2012–August 2013

10. Alexey Polukeev, PhD, January 2013–June 2015; March 2018–June 2020

11. Oleksandr Kovalenko, PhD, October 2014–December 2016

12. Manojveer Seetharaman, PhD, January 2018–June 2019

13. Cassandra Hayes, PhD, March 2018–March 2019

14. Nirmalya Mukherjee, PhD, June 2019–October 2021

15. Kaushik Chakrabarti, PhD, March 2020–July 2022

16. Morteza Karimzadeh, PhD, June 2021–Feb 2022

17. Vasudevan Subramaniyan, PhD, September 2022–

18. Lucas dos Santos Mello, PhD, Apr 2024–

19. Sadhna, PhD, May 2024–

Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål

2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:

  • SDG 7 – Hållbar energi för alla
  • SDG 9 – Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur
  • SDG 12 – Hållbar konsumtion och produktion

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Oorganisk kemi
  • Organisk kemi


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