Foto av Paulina Gruffman

Personlig profil


I am a PhD student in the History of Religions, specializing broadly in European Occultism from the 1800s until the 1930s, Western Esotericism (ancient and modern) as well as the intersection between early psychoanalysis, the occult milieu, and modernism. My doctoral project concerns the reception of ancient Egyptian religiosity in the works of British occultist and Cambridge scholar G.R.S. Mead (1833–1933) and his impact on a range of important personalities of the early to mid-1900s, such as psychoanalyst C.G. Jung.

I received my M.A. in the History of Religions from Stockholm University (with Egil Asprem as my advisor) and my most recent education is from Gothenburg University, where I have studied Secondary Education (with a focus on Religious Education). Religious Education (religionsdidaktik) is an additional research interest of mine.

Advisors: Kristina Myrvold (Lund University), Sonu Shamdasani (University College London).

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Religionshistoria

Fria nyckelord

  • esoterism
  • Jung
  • ockultism
  • teosofi
  • teosofiska samfundet
  • västerländsk esoterism
  • eranos
  • c.g. jung


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