Personlig profil


Dr. Paola Derudas is a researcher in Digital Archaeology. She completed her PhD in Archaeology on the application of 3D-based and digital technologies in archaeological practice at Lund University in 2023.

She studied archaeology at the University of Sassari in Italy and obtained a specialization in Archaeology in 2018. She got a University master's in Archaeology and Architecture at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, in 2011.

She has participated in several international investigation projects in terrestrial and maritime archaeology and gained experience designing and developing web-based information systems for documenting, managing, and publishing data from archaeological investigations. She has also been involved in the activities of the Archaeological Excavation Modelling Working Group within the Ariadne Plus project.
Her research, bolstered by a strong international network, focuses on using web 3D visualization and semantic technologies to improve archaeological practice. By integrating these tools, she aims to create novel comprehensive understanding and uses of archaeological data while following FAIR principles and supporting open science.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Arkeologi


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