Projekt per år
Prevalence of giant cell arteritis in southern Sweden
Stamatis, P. (Forskare)
2018/11/01 → 2019/12/01
Projekt: Forskning
Infections are associated with increased risk of Giant Cell Arteritis- a population-based case control study from Southern Sweden
Stamatis, P. (Forskare)
2018/04/02 → 2019/06/30
Projekt: Forskning
GCA: Incidens och säsongsvariation i jättecellsarterit: Reviderat - En 20 års population-baserad studie från Sverige.
Stamatis, P. (Forskare)
2018/04/01 → 2021/12/31
Projekt: Forskning
Incidence of malignancies in a large population-based cohort of biopsy proven giant cell arteritis
Stamatis, P. (PI)
2017/02/13 → 2018/02/14
Projekt: Forskning
Outcome Studies on Ischemic Heart Disease in Giant Cell Arteritis– The Vasculitis Heart Study (The VASC-HEARTS)
Stamatis, P. (PI)
2016/08/19 → 2019/02/01
Projekt: Forskning