Foto av Pernilla Derwik

Pernilla Derwik


Personlig profil


My education and professional background is deeply embedded in the field of supply chain management. After my degree in civil engineering, I spent 14 years in the industry consulting on supply chain management in a broad range of industries. I returned to academia in 2013 and now hold a lecturer position in the division of Packaging Logistics, in association with the Retail Logistics (ReLog) research platform and Centre for Retail Research at Lund University.

My research domain is competence and workplace learning. What, how and why are people learning at work? And how can organizations support such learning? My doctoral thesis covered competence and workplace learning in supply chain management, while I now am deeply involved in the retail sector exploring workplace learning for retail professionals and how such learning can be supported.

My research has been presented at NOFOMA, NRWC, GIKA, HUI, etc, and has been published, among others, in International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Journal of Business research, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.

My educational focus is on providing students in the Logistics service management program at Campus Helsingborg with applied knowledge, skills and abilities to improve business processes in all kinds of organizations.


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