Personlig profil


Large-scale weather patterns have strong impacts on wind strength and direction. It has been proposed that weather patterns will change due to global warming. However, it is difficult to attribute short-term change in weather to climate change due to the short period of instrumental observations. 

In my PhD project, we will combine geological archives, with climate model output to develop unique seasonally resolved climate field reconstructions for the North Atlantic region. Using this baseline of weather patterns covering the past millennium we will evaluate state-of-the-art climate models in terms of skill in reproducing past and present weather and wind. The end goal is to provide improved future scenarios with maps of wind strength and direction using the best performing models. 

Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål

2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:

  • SDG 13 – Bekämpa klimatförändringarna

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Geologi
  • Klimatforskning
  • Meteorologi och atmosfärforskning


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