Inget foto av Sara Kauko

Sara Kauko


Personlig profil


I am a cultural anthropologist and currently, a postdoctoral researcher in the department of Gender Studies. My research concerns cyclical macroeconomic crises in Argentina and specifically, women entrepreneurs’ experiences of and ways to navigate them. Broadly, I am interested in how gender factors into entrepreneurial practices in an economic environment that is volatile and marked by a history of recurring economic downturns.  

I received my Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Emory University, U.S., in 2020. My dissertation examined aspirations for socioeconomic mobility among mixed-race Argentines. It focused on entrepreneurialism as a platform for accumulating social, cultural and economic capital. I argued that those capitals can give shape to a status category that allows mixed-race people to challenge some of the rigid, historical parameters of race that structure local hierarchies of class. Prior to moving to the U.S., I received my master’s degree in anthropology of material and visual culture from University College London. 

I have conducted ethnographic research in Argentina, Brazil, and England. While my current project is still situated in Argentina, my field site now is on the Internet. 

Research areas: 

•    Socioeconomic crises, temporality of crisis

•    Resilience

•    Gender

•    Entrepreneurialism 

•    Socioeconomic mobility

•    Latin America


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