Personlig profil


The tremendous biodiversity surrounding us is astonishing. However, a lot of the diversity we see today would be expected to get lost by drift over time in the absence of selective forces maintaining such diversity. That begs the question that often tends to be forgotten: how and why is this variation maintained?

My main interest lies in how genetic and phenotypic variation is maintained over both microevolutionary time scales over a few generations and over macroevolutionary time scales over millions of years. More specifically I am interested in how evolutionary dynamics shape and maintain genetic colour polymorphisms that occur in several closely related species of damselflies. These colour polymorphisms have survived several speciation events thus been maintained over millions of years. Such trans-species polymorphisms occur in many species and genera of damselflies, and my PhD-project will especially focus on understanding the maintenance of colour polymorphism in the genus Ischnura (“forktails”).

I will tackle these questions by using a diverse but complementary set of methods, including field studies in natural populations, mesocosm experiments, molecular and genomic approaches and integrate these empirical approaches with evolutionary theory.

Who am I?

I am an adrenalin junky who love to explore all the beauty and adventures that the world has to offer. On my free time I love to train, especially martial arts and try out new recipes. Some of my favourite activities is to go out and birdwatch and look for insects.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Evolutionsbiologi


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