Personlig profil


I carry out research in applied mathematics, which comprises

  • modelling from fundamental principles leading to nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction PDEs
  • mathematical analysis of the direct problem (well-posedness, steady states, control of solutions)
  • mathematical analysis of the inverse problem (identification of constitutive functions)
  • construction and analysis of numerical schemes
  • validation, simulation and dissemination to applied fields (chemical engineering, water science, biology, neuroscience).

The applications in focus are separation processes and life science:

  • sedimentation by gravity or centrifugation in chemical engineering, wastewater treatment and mineral engineering
  • flotation in wastewater treatment and mineral engineering
  • slow sand filtration with biofilm in drinking water treatment
  • photobioreactors in wastewater treatment
  • tubulin-driven neuronal growth.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Beräkningsmatematik
  • Matematisk analys
  • Kemiska processer
  • Vattenbehandling
  • Mineral- och gruvteknik


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