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Sven Strömqvist

Professor emeritus

Personlig profil


In my Ph.D. diss. (1984) I investigated how 3-year-olds use language to support fiction during make-believe play. After my dissertation I have been concerned with mainly three research areas: language development in children and adolescents (e.g. 2000), comparative studies of the activities of speaking and writing in real time (e.g. 2009, 2015), and cognitive consequences of linguistic diversity (e.g. 2004, 2009).
Over the past year I have become increasingly interested in early phases of the drafting process, primarily that of texts but also the process of revising other types of external representations, such as architectural drawings, mathematical proofs, works of art, and music. How does the ”author” interact with his/her external representation to develop his/her ideas?

Some publications:

(2000) Strömqvist, S. and Ragnarsdóttir, H. On the acquisition of verb argument structure. Linguistics 38-3:523-543.

(2004) Strömqvist, S. and L. Verhoeven (Eds.). (2004) Relating events in narrative – typologiocal and contextual perspectives. Mahwah, NewJersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

(2009) Strömqvist, S. Språkets Öga. Om vägarna mellan tankar och ord. [The eye of language. On the paths between thoughts and words] Lund: Studentlitteratur.

(2015) Bertram, R., Tønnessen, F., Strömqvist, S., Niemi, P., and Hyönä, J. Cascaded processing in written compound word production. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:207.


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