Foto av Swati Aggarwal

Swati Aggarwal


Personlig profil


I am a structural biologist interested in understanding the structure of proteins involved in various biological mechanisms. I am particularly interested in studying the underlying transportation mechanisms in Outer Membrane protein F that acts as one of the main routes of penetration of antibiotics inside bacteria. The size of such proteins is way too small to be observed by microscopes so to determine their structure we use X-rays and neutron sources.

During my PhD, I specialized in sample preparation for Neutron Macromolecular Crystallography. Currently, I joined as a Post-doctoral research fellow at MAXIV where I will be working on upgrading the BioMAX beamline for room temperature and in-situ data collection. 

I am also an artist where I try to combine my passion of science with sketching skills to describe the scientific world in form of an art.  


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